Discover the new at-home teeth whitening: Kiyomi's K-Bleach 16% Home

Kiyomi Dental has taken a step forward with the launch of its latest product: K-Bleach 16% Home. Meticulously designed to offer remarkable results from the comfort of your home, this at-home teeth whitening solution provides an effective option backed by Kiyomi's expertise and quality.

Notable results in less Time, with professional supervision

K-Bleach 16% Home has been formulated with 16% carbamide peroxide, ensuring visible results in a reduced time frame. This process is carried out under the supervision of a dentist, guaranteeing a safe and effective whitening experience.

Neutral pH formula

One common concern during teeth whitening is sensitivity. However, with K-Bleach 16% Home's neutral pH formula, this concern is minimized. This makes it an ideal choice even for those with moderate to severe cases of pre-existing dental hypersensitivity.

Ease of use and high viscosity

User experience has been a key consideration in the design of K-Bleach 16% Home. With 3 ml syringes of high-viscosity gel, the product stays in place without running, providing a clean and hassle-free process. Additionally, the easy-to-handle tip facilitates gel application to the tray, while the closure cap ensures safe storage without leakage.

Long-Lasting teeth whitening

With K-Bleach 16% Home, you will not only experience immediate notable results but also enjoy a radiant smile for a longer period. This product has become an essential element in modern aesthetic dentistry, allowing users to prolong the whitening effects and maintain a youthful smile over the long term.

Available in two kit options

K-Bleach 16% Home is available in two kit options:

  • Kit with 4 syringes of 3 ml each: Ideal for more complex cases requiring extended applications over time.

  • Kit with 2 syringes + 1 K-Desens 5% desensitizing gel: This kit includes not only the teeth whitening gel but also the high-viscosity K-Desens 5% desensitizing gel with potassium nitrate, which alleviates dental hypersensitivity before, during, and after the treatment.

In summary

K-Bleach 16% Home from Kiyomi represents the new standard in at-home teeth whitening. With notable results, ease of use, and a comfortable and safe experience, this product is here to transform the way we care for our smiles.

Discover the power of K-Bleach 16% Home and get your kit today.

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